Saturday, January 8, 2022

 Cleaning out scribbles and notes and digitizing them into a blog - for use on radio

1. My cool Italian-designed dustbin lid - it doesn't break, it just falls back into place after being upset

2. C# computer language has the "partial class" concept. Part of the class is written in one file and the other part in another file. You do not need access to both to be able to add to the class because it is partial.

Partial knowledge is ok. "We know in part. but we are fully known"

Partial completion is ok.

Perhaps the full class is known in heaven, and we flesh part of it out here during our lifetime?

3. Affirmations to my wife:

These answers express a vibrant possession of freedom and joie-de-vivre!

They ring true and authentic to your lifestyle, character and hard work.

3.a. Agitatiing - yes ! - this is what is required for  reactivating a settled can of paint, for getting chemicals to react and generate heat / useful compounds. Agitating cause the dust to rise, the fog to clear, the fruit to fall, the demons to be exposed.

3.b. Stoking embers and adding fuel gets the fires going again: home fires, heart fires, warning fires like the signals in Lord of the Rings calling for aid from the armies of deliverance.

3.c. You can get paid for existing because you pray to a living GOD and surrender your existence and challenge him by faith concerning your existence.

3.d. you are very good at hosting - emphasizing an atmosphere where God is in charge and present, where the weakest individual in the group is welcomed, strengthened and empowered with love and truth.

3.e. In one-on-one or more conversations you lead with spirit-led discernment involving active listening followed by prophetic reflecting and inspired reframing. 

3.f. you facilitate and accommodate growth in other with diligence and the daily failthfulness of a mother, wife like a gardener

3.g. you live out, believe in and work for personal and interpersonal integrity which bring integration. The resulting collaboration agreement and unity bring peace and joy the world so desperately needs.

3.h. you are the most empathetic parent and wife and friend I have ever seen

3.i. you are grounded by a clear, biblical mandate to see the next generation freer and stronger, honed, joyful, the head and not the tail in their God-given lives - maintaining and expanding their God-given territory and being a blessing to others by helping them to do the same.

3.j. You have profoundly sound values which give substance and compass direction to your thoughts, decisions and undertakings. It is a privilege to be someone who gets to hear you speak. ~thank you, Dan.

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